Press Hit: St Athan charity group are in line for an award


The St Athan charity ‘Saints’ has reached the finals of the Rural Business Awards.

The winner of each category will be announced at the awards ceremony on Tuesday, October 16, at The Kinmel, Abergele.

Construction on the new park will start next week and it should be open in September. A fun day will be held on September 29 to give the park a grand opening.

Read more here


Press Hit: Lougher Place play area set for major upgrade

MoneyGained Led by Lisa Austin, Sally Gardiner, Charlotte Cook and David Elston, they collected £3,500 towards the project, which will involve the complete upgrade of the existing play area, including the installation of new play equipment and site resurfacing.

The total cost of scheme is £157,500, with £126,000 coming from a Welsh Government grant and £28,000 from section 106 contributions linked to local building developments secured by the Council.

Alongside the main play area, featuring a range of modern equipment, a new multi-use games area where ball games can be played will be built.

That will contain a noise-absorbing fence to minimise disturbance, while work will also involve building a new footpath and improving drainage.

Read more here.

Press Hit: St Athan Fun Day draws 500 people

Saints & Councillor

(in red from left to right Trustees David Elston, Charlotte Cook, Sally Gardiner and Chair Lisa Austin. Centred is County Councillor John Thomas)

The village of St Athan held a community fun day on Saturday, August 5.

A spokesman reported: “We raised £750 on the day (for community projects).

“There was a big increase in the attractions such as the return of the teacups from last year but also a small softplay, and a train that the kids rode around on (similar to a tractor-pull).

“Bro Radio attended as well as there being a few animals – meerkats, an owl, and a possum.

“The car park and side streets were packed with cars. We think around 500 people attended.”

Read more in The Barry GEM

Press Hit: Community grant gives big boost to local charity

Community Fund

A new local charity which aims to improve play areas in St Athan has now raised more than £5,000 to spend on the project.

The charity – called ‘Saints’ – has won £1,000 from the Aviva Community Fund, and this has taken them past the £5,000 mark.

The funds awarded to Saints from the Aviva Community Fund will be used to improve accessibility at the Lougher Park playground.

The Aviva money was awarded to Saints to build a pathway from the street to the park. There were also plans to improve the dilapidated seating area.

Coun David A Elston, a Saints trustee, told The GEM that the long-term aim was to raise £35,000…

He said that Saints had competed with 430 other local organisations around the UK to receive funding from the Aviva fund.

Read more in The Cowbridge GEM, Barry & District or The Daily Vale.

Press Hit: St Athan charity awarded £2,000 improvement grant


Newydd Housing Association has donated £2,000 to SAINTS, a charity in St Athan that has been set up to improve play areas in the locality.

Lisa Austin, founder of the charity, said: “We set it up to improve the community spirit and to create a safe play environment for the children to socialise.

“Nothing has happened in the area for a long time and these changes create a positive impact on people’s minds. Thank you to Newydd for the contribution, it will go a long way!”

Read more in The Barry GEM or from newydd.

Press Hit: St Athan family fun day (2016)


SAINTS, the newly established St Athan Parks Trust, will run a family fun day on Friday, August 5, from 3pm to 7pm.

There will a range of activities including face painting, family games, crafts, football and sports. Many activities are free of charge for all to enjoy.

The Welsh Hawking Centre will also be showcasing their birds. Refreshments, cakes, ice creams and burgers will also be on sale.

Read more in the Barry & District, News.Wales or Vale of Glamorgan Council website.